In a small town like Morarp, Sweden—where the local grocery store serves as the community’s central hub—ICA Nara Traffen has undergone a revolutionary transformation. In November 2023, the store decided to implement Commentsell’s booking bot to manage its bookable deals on Facebook and Instagram. This decision not only redefined the shopping experience for their customers but also had a tremendous impact on the store’s sales figures and customer engagement.
From Vision to Reality
For years, the team at Morarp had been posting their deals manually. But once they introduced the automated booking system, they saw a remarkable uptick in the number of reserved products. During the first month, nearly 2,000 products were booked. By January 2024, that number had doubled to almost 4,000, a clear indicator that a system which automatically confirms reservations and sends pickup reminders significantly boosts bookings.
With an average price of over 200 SEK (about $18) per booked product, the total value of these January bookings exceeded 750,000 SEK (around $68,000)—and that’s not even counting the additional items customers bought when picking up their reserved deals. These numbers underscore the financial benefits of integrating Commentsell’s booking platform.
Voices from the Store
Store owner Viktor Månsson enthusiastically shares his experience:
“When we increased our overall sales by around 25,000 units in January, bookings accounted for about 15,000 of them. It drives a lot of foot traffic—customers see the store, shop again, and so on. We had our best January ever, thanks to going all-in with the help of the booking bot’s automation. January is typically a very slow month for us, but we managed to boost sales by 25%, with bookings responsible for a good portion of that. The takeaway is that customers experienced the store and bought more than just the items they booked!”
This reveals how Commentsell turned what is usually a sluggish month into a period of record-breaking sales.
The key factor behind the decision to start using Commentsell is best summed up by Viktor:
“We wouldn’t have reached this level of bookings if we hadn’t started using the bot! We decided to step on the gas when we saw how easy it was. There’s no way we could have handled this volume manually—it wouldn’t have been worth it. Now, it’s actually fun!”
The Future is Here
Morarp’s success with Commentsell is about more than just boosting sales numbers. It’s about staying ahead of the curve, strengthening customer relationships, and offering an enjoyable, social, and convenient shopping experience.
Viktor has shown that a small town like Morarp can make big strides. It’s a shining example of how traditional retail can be transformed through digital innovation—unlocking greater sales potential and building a stronger bond with loyal customers.